

“Every day is one worthy of starting a new resolution. So here’s mine.”

I wrote those words in July 2020 in a virgin journal with “it is written in the stars” gilded across the cover. Creating a space to connect with women on topics that I know about, like money, and areas that I am learning and striving to live, like wellness inside and out, has been on my heart and mind for years. Of course, I came up with years’ worth of excuses why it was never the right time or a worthy endeavor – the primary ones being “who cares” and “what do I know”?

Giving birth to a daughter in 2020, becoming a mother, and living through a pandemic and social unrest delivered a new perspective: I care. And, I do know some things. What’s the point of it all – the hard work, the enthusiasm, the creativity, the learning – if not to share it and leverage it as a tool to build community and encourage others? That’s where I’m at. Learning to use my voice for the things I care about. Wanting to connect with y’all.

My friend Kenan Hill photographed me here. A gift to myself: pictures of me, for me. I like what I see, and for the first time in my life I’m not afraid to say that. Here’s to all of us, here’s to empowering one another.

For more of my thoughts on a regular basis, you can find me here.


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